USDA Open to Suggestions for 2017 Census of Agriculture

Individuals and businesses are provided with an opportunity to make suggestions for the 2017 Census of Agriculture.
Individuals and businesses are provided with an opportunity to make suggestions for the 2017 Census of Agriculture.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced that the organization is now open to suggestions for the 2017 Census of Agriculture, providing interested individuals or businesses with an opportunity to voice their opinions.

The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts the Census of Agriculture on a five-year basis, offering detailed data concerning almost every aspect of U.S. agriculture down to the county level.

NASS Administrator, Joseph T. Reilly, said “The recent release of the 2012 Census of Agriculture is the end of an ongoing 5 year-cycle that has started anew with the first stage of the 2017 Census – asking what changes to make in the next questionnaire. This is the perfect time to ask for suggestions since the 2012 data are fresh on our minds.”

The NASS just recently released the full 2012 Census of Agriculture outcomes on May 2, 2014. The agency is currently preparing content for the 2017 Agriculture Census and is inviting suggestions to improve the value. Both individuals and organizations are able to submit recommendations regarding questionnaire items that they feel should be added or removed. The organization is also open to any other suggestions concerning the Census, and there will be additional opportunities to leave more concise comments through the Federal Register process in the upcoming week.

While reflecting on the use of the Census, the NASS Census and Survey Division Director, Renee Picanso, explains that there are many industries seeking data that is not currently being collected. While agriculture trends are continuously changing, receiving feedback allows the agency to stay up to date with aspects of the Census that people find especially helpful or no longer relevant. This makes it especially important for individuals and organizations to express thoughts or concerns.

Content suggestions for the 2017 Census will be accepted until Aug. 4, 2014. Comments can be submitted online at:

Written suggestions may be mailed to: Census Content Team, Room 6451, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250.