In a recent piece for the Seattle Times, Tom Watson gave some tips regarding greener lawn care tips, including how to handle used tractors. Watson, King County's Recycling and Environmental Services project manager, said proper mower maintenance will help reduce its impact.
"Your mower will last longer and perform better if you keep the blades sharpened and the blade housing clean," Watson said. "If you have a gas-powered model, get it tuned up regularly."
Lawn owners may also consider leaving their clippings on the lawn, which Watson said will lead to healthier grass. Mulching mowers tend to provide the most superior results, he said.
Other experts note that holding back on how often people cut their grass can help as well. Consumers should keep their grass between 3 and 4 inches. They may also consider planting heartier varieties that do not need as much water, which is a more environmentally friendly strategy for lawn planning.